Vivid Property Services website

Vivid Property Services required a refresh to their exsisting website, that had many limitations. The main focus was to provide a simplified structure of navigation and content, featuring the main benefits of the business, and to create a clean fresh design. To achieve this, the website was developed using a new template that enabled it to be responsive to mobile.

  • Redesign included consideration of logo and brand colours, with the use of pink limited to headings and buttons
  • Simplified menu, based on what the company has to offer
  • New animated slider, to convey key benefits
Featured CleanTrak proprietary technology – a key business differentiator
  • Reduced number of pages significantly, structuring content in single pages, reducing number of clicks to all content
Added video content
Improved all imagery
Improved all news posts, creating ‘Latest News’ landing page and consistent content structure
  • Simplified CMS template structure allowing client to update easily
Responsive to mobile devices
  • Added analytics and SEO
Added social media channels
  • Detailed website CMS guide

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